Check out Adelphi Dancer, Natalie Walter's article on graduating with a dance degree! College Dance and the "Real World"
I've been in the "Real World" now for three weeks and I think I still have a lot to figure out.
My 35 hour a week job at Starbucks is just not working for me. I caught a cold the last week of school with all the lack of sleep, and have now had a fluctuating cold for a month that I just can't seem to quit with the amount of hours I work and trying to dance. I just can't get enough sleep.
Which makes me think that Starbucks will not work for me.
Most of the dance classes I want to take are morning classes. Waking up at 7:30 with a hacking cough and trying to drag myself to a dance class is just not working, which makes me consider something.
What does a dancer do when they are sick and need to go to class?
Back in school, not going to class meant affecting my grade, and going through the humiliation of perhaps being a softy. Now going to class sick could maybe be rude to the other dancers and teacher. Not to mention that I am abusing my instrument even more by taking away sleeping time and putting it through something it doesn't want to do when sick. I think missing class and missing a rehearsal are obviously different cases. But one of my teachers who danced in Taylor for years told me he missed rehearsal only twice: once when his first child was born, and the other time when he thought his wife had cancer so he went to the doctor with her. There should be no excuse for me missing class, especially if it is only guaranteed that I can go about twice a week. But this morning my body begged me for more sleep.
So in conclusion to this dance-life-lesson, you can't work on your feet 35+ hour weeks with late/early hours, and try to dance, while staying healthy.
Solution: I need to get a new job...
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